by Jayna Baas | Jan 11, 2024 | Book Reviews
A dramatic, thought-provoking adventure tale in the classic masked-hero style. Note: Secular author. My rating: ★★★★☆ My second time reading, thanks to Christmas gifts, and it was just as enjoyable as the first time—if not more so, since I knew what to expect....
by Jayna Baas | Mar 2, 2023 | Book Reviews
My book review of The Victory Club: Tough topics handled with grace and truth as women (and men) on the home front face real-life challenges and make hard choices. My rating: ★★★★☆ I gave The Victory Club a try because I had heard that Robin Lee Hatcher did not...
by Jayna Baas | Feb 9, 2023 | Book Reviews
My book review of The Warrior’s Path: Thumping good adventure tale. Great historical detail and storytelling style. Note: Secular author. My rating: ★★★★★ Thumping good adventure tale! I think I liked this one even better than Sackett’s Land. It was easy...