Faith, romance, and international intrigue at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair.

My rating: ★★★★


In a lot of ways, this was a fairly typical Christian historical romance. It delivered what I was looking for—not a breathtaking read, but a satisfying story.

However, there were a few reasons it caught my interest:


The Setting

I haven’t personally read a lot of books set during the Chicago World’s Fair, although I know they’re out there. The author clearly did her research, and I enjoyed getting to experience the sights and sounds that Annie experienced.


The Characters

The romance itself was fairly typical, as mentioned, but I was intrigued by the combination of a rider in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show and the widow of an inventor. I would have loved to see more of Nick’s experiences in training and showmanship. Although I felt that in some ways the romantic storyline resolved itself too easily, there were plenty of difficulties for the characters to resolve in other areas of their lives. And there were plenty of fun supporting characters along the way.


The Mystery

I will admit, the villains didn’t always come across as the brilliant masterminds they were supposed to be. They were somewhat melodramatic at times and made less than bright decisions at others. However, the premise was fascinating—international intrigue involving Spain and Cuba. I love it when a story feels like it could work in only one specific place and time, and that’s how this mystery felt. It was very tied to the era and the location.


Will you enjoy Ticket to Tomorrow?

I also appreciated that this Christian novel actually lived up to the label and showed Annie turning to God’s Word for wisdom and strength. She wasn’t perfect, but she was willing to grow and wanted her life to turn others to Christ. If you enjoy Christian historical fiction with a touch of romance and a bit of intrigue, give this one a try.


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Jayna Baas is the author of Preacher on the Run and director of The Christian PEN: Proofreaders and Editors Network. Learn more about Jayna here or join her email list for more recommendations.